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Dear Parents and Carers,

 It is a great honour to be the Head Teacher of this wonderful school. I am proud of our pupils, staff, parents and Governors who all strive together to be the best we can be and continue to improve opportunities for our learners. As a Rights Respecting School, we strongly value pupil voice, and include our pupils in decision making and at the heart of everything we do. We work collectively to develop and nurture ambitious, capable learners through an enriching and engaging curriculum. Our staff deliver inspirational and innovative learning opportunities to foster and promote healthy, confident individuals, enterprising creative contributors and ethical, informed citizens of the local area, Wales and the world. I am passionate about ensuring our learners are safe, happy and enjoy their time at Llangiwg.

We know the importance that parents and carers play in their child’s education, and welcome your involvement in your child’s education, and in the life of our school. We ask your opinion on a regular basis, as well as inviting you into school as much as possible. We pride ourselves on being a warm, welcoming school and  work together to achieve the best outcomes for all our learners.

Please feel free to speak to me during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal times or make an appointment with the school office if I am unavailable.

Kind regards,


Mrs. Sharon Jones

Head Teacher